Some of Robert's artwork he made at preschool.
Some pictures Robert wanted us to take.
William learned to use a fork!
You might think a great dane had made these teeth marks, but no, it was William.
Robert's favorite Christmas present, his webkinz golden retriever, Fuzzy Wuzzy.
Using the salad spinner for a hat, since William loves hats madly.
Aren't mom and dad's keychains cute?
Flying kites in New Market. I think these pictures are from last fall, from Grammy & Granddad's camera.
William was bowled over with amazement at the kite.
Mom and Willie at a parade in New Market.
After taking the cordless phone upstairs, I wanted to bring it back downstairs, so I stuck it on top of some laundry I was bringing down to wash. Oops. Yes, it got laundered. Despite the hairdryer and a week of drying out, open, on the windowsill, it never recovered.
Robert and Nathan at Grammy and Granddad's, sometime last fall. The tree in their backyard has gotten completely covered with ladybugs at this time of year for the last couple of years. Why? Do ladybugs migrate?
Grammy got all the boys pirate gear! Avast, pirate Grammy!
No, William's not a vampire - just eating the cherry Christmas candy that Grandpa Mike and Misha sent us.