Long Family Photo Album - July 2007

Cannonball! Robert and Nathan playing in the pool at Grammy and Granddad's house. Download AVI file here.

Willie's appraising face. "This bottle is acceptable."

Robert made a book for Dad. It's spelled Big Bubbit Sho, but it's pronounced "Big Puppet Show."

Robert also likes to make his own computer games by drawing them, screen by screen, on the MagnaDoodle. Here's the final screen that says you've won.

Entranced by Blue's Clues.

William managed to crawl into this box lid by himself.

Lex had an awesome weekend in N.Carolina visiting her best friend from college, Paris. These two beasts are Clover and Max, her pups.

Robert got sick and spent some time in front of the TV.

Messing around.

William likes to take off his bib and play peek-a-boo with it.