Long Family Photo Album - January 2006

The first big event in Dad and Wendy's new home -- Sacha Crossett and Mike Stanek's wedding! Here we see Mike trying to figure out how to pin flowers on himself.

Sacha is Wendy's youngest daughter. Darby (far left) is one of Sacha's sisters, and Devon, Miranda, and Sarah are her neices. Sarah with her brother Taylor.

Even the dog got dressed up!

Hannukah with the Silversteins (Lex's Uncle Harold and cousins Josh and Amnon - Aunt Rita is probably the one taking the picture).

Robert inspecting the computer with his magnifying glass.

Brian and Rachel came to visit after Christmas and we tried out the absynthe that Chris got Lex for Christmas. Due to a regulatory oversight when the EU was formed, absynthe is apparently not illegal to buy in europe anymore. Unfortunately, recent scientific evidence indicates that the thujone in it doesn't make you crazy either. It's just really strong booze that tastes like licorice and gives you a headache. I liked it.

The gift bag that Brian and Rachel brought for Robert had tinsel in it too - the tree got even more decoration.

Playing on the carousel outside of Kmart.

Robert got a big boy bed! In the top bunk, you are a bird in a nest. In the bottom bunk, you are a bear in a cave.