Long Family Photo Album - August 2006

William's birth announcement.

At the GITI company picnic. Robert is spiderman, and Niklas is the black power ranger.

Robert's been pretending to be a baby lately.

We call William "Wink" because of his tendency to sleep with one eye open.

Robert wore his fancy shirt to have our pictures taken for the church directory. He went right to the sandbox afterwards.

The brothers hanging out together.

Robert's been learning to use the camera. Here I am trying to lunge in front of the lens so he can photograph me.

For weeks I've been suggesting that Robert sit on the couch so I can help him hold William, and he's been refusing. Today, he grabbed William's leg, started tugging, and said in the most casual tone, "Lemme hold him." It lasted about a second.

William snuggled up under his quilt.