Our friend Eric came to visit and Robert had a great time building and knocking down towers.
Playing firefighters with mom. Notice that the firefighter hat is actually the construction worker hat from Truck Days last month, repaired with a lot of packing tape.
We took a trip to Skyland resort with some friends. Here's a picture of some bear claw marks we saw on the trail, and one of the older munchkins checking out a caterpillar. Robert stayed with his grandparents that weekend.
The great communicator. Robert drawing, writing, and typing on the computer with feverish intensity.
Chris and Lex staying at a Bed and Breakfast in Charlottesville for our 6th anniversary! I have no idea why we look so dorky in this picture.
A letter from Grammy! Robert loves getting mail.
We also went to a 1950's style working dairy farm where the kids can pet the animals and see the old-time equipment.
Speaking of shearing sheep, our (formerly) long-haired cat, Phaedra, is getting a little too old to groom herself effectively and had been developing dreadlocks. We dispensed with dignity and bought some clippers.
The laundry bandit wearing a sock around his eyes.
Robert artwork - the cars collection.
Robert artwork - the faces collection.