Trick or treating with Buzz Lightyear and Fire Chief Robert!
The little people in the castle were rescued from many blazes this month.
Witness Robert's awesome ninja skills! Popping out of a box. Wielding his katana, he is Cardboard Tube Samuri!
At Cox farms in Chantilly, for the Halloween Fall Festival. Every night at bedtime for months afterwards Robert would request, "Tell you a story about a hayride." High points of the story include: waiting in line; going into a dark barn where there were lights; A GREEN MAN! (an alien popped out of the cornfields and gave some of the kids a high-5. Equal parts terror and fascination.)
Chris shaves!! And goes through many incarnations en route to a clean face.
The David Brent. (Of "The Office" fame - if you don't have BBCAmerica, this show is a good reason to get it)
The only thing I know for sure about this guy is that he chews tobacco.