October 2005 - Happy Halloween!

Trick or treating with Buzz Lightyear and Fire Chief Robert!

The little people in the castle were rescued from many blazes this month.

"This is a picture of guys."

Witness Robert's awesome ninja skills! Popping out of a box. Wielding his katana, he is Cardboard Tube Samuri!

At Cox farms in Chantilly, for the Halloween Fall Festival. Every night at bedtime for months afterwards Robert would request, "Tell you a story about a hayride." High points of the story include: waiting in line; going into a dark barn where there were lights; A GREEN MAN! (an alien popped out of the cornfields and gave some of the kids a high-5. Equal parts terror and fascination.)

Eating crackers.

Chris shaves!! And goes through many incarnations en route to a clean face.

The David Brent. (Of "The Office" fame - if you don't have BBCAmerica, this show is a good reason to get it)

The only thing I know for sure about this guy is that he chews tobacco.

The Tom Sellek.

The final product!