Not a lot of pictures for December and January. We all got sick around Christmas, and are just now recovering. We've gone through A LOT of kleenex in the past month. Originally, the plan for this semester was for Alexis to take classes, and Robert to go to day care 4 afternoons a week, but ultimately that just wasn't practical. We'll try again next semester. In the meantime, we'll play with our new Christmas toys.
Playing with cousin Nathan at Grammy and Grandpa Long's house.
With great-aunt Katch, and great-granddaddy Boo Boo.
Fascinated by the little piggies.
Hmmm... I wonder how this door works?
On Christmas, Robert wore this red and white outfit that used to belong to his daddy when he was a little guy.
Christmas with the Willihnganz side of the family. We're here in Frankenmuth with Wendy's family. (L-R, front row: Darby, Devon, Aiden, Chris, Lex, Sarah. back row: John, Sacha, Dick, Mike, Taylor, Wendy, Miranda, Mike, Robert). Dad and Wendy got the whole gang together at the enormous Frankenmuth Inn, with 4 swimming pools, a game room, and a bunch of big Christmas trees. Robert liked the pinball machines in the game room.
Back home, helping mom with the laundry.
Robert bundled up in his hat, eyes barely visible.