Robert Nicholas Long week 29

Robert sat up unassisted for the first time on Sunday! He used his newfound ability to ride on top of the cart at home depot.

Click here for a super-cute video of Robert and Alexis playing the waterskiing game. He hangs onto mom like a tow rope and rides the wild waves. Unfortunately we don't have software to rotate the video, so it's sideways, but it's cute anyway.
As usual with the movies - if you have a regular phone line connection to the internet, you might want to save it to your hard drive first by right-clicking the link and choosing Save As. Then save the image to your computer and double-click on it to view. Oh, and we discovered that Windows Media Player has controls that let you adjust the brightness as you're viewing it. Not really necessary for this video, but it might be nice for some of the earlier dark ones that were taken indoors.

More adventures in mobility this week. He's getting to be a fast crawler.

He also discovered a new angle on the bouncy seat. Before this week, we'd set him in the seat and he'd activate lights and sounds by kicking. Now he's figured out that you can do this magic trick with your hands, too.