Robert Nicholas Long week 24

Here's Robert looking gobsmacked.
[gob + smack: with ref. to clapping a hand to one’s mouth in astonishment]
We've been watching way too much BBCAmerica.

He's gotten good at using the toys in the saucer. He can now whack the smiley face (on his left) and make it play tunes.

Many people have commented on Robert's resemblance to the Gerber baby.
Here's Robert and Ann Turner Cook, the artist's model, then and now.

This week we went to DC, Chris for a conference and Robert and Alexis to visit Paris. Here are Robert and Paris at the national zoo.

And afterwards having dinner with friends. In the front are A.J. and his parents, Peggy and Chris. In the back are Mark, Yvonne, Alexis, Chris, and Robert (hidden behind the other Chris).

And here's Robert, enjoying his favorite game of all time, Airplane Baby.
Notice that he's just wearing a shirt and diaper. He's in the state we call "too hyper for pants."