Robert Nicholas Long - Week 20

Airplane Baby is one of Robert's favorite games these days.

He's also gotten good at using his hands.
He can take the pacifier out of his mouth and hold it, but can't quite manage to put the right end back in.

He's been spending a lot of time rollling over on his mat, and trying to crawl.

He's really working on getting those knees underneath himself. We're afraid he's going to be one of those babies that starts crawling at 6 months.

Here we are at our friend Heather's birthday party. She's the one on the right in the gray shirt.

Looking curiously at little Michael, who is only 3 months old. Michael looks ready for a nap.

In his new red suit.

And, of course, playing in the saucer.

Last modified: Tue Mar 4 13:45:39 2003