Long Family Photo Album

Here's a video of Robert reading out loud.Download AVI file here.

If you read The Onion regularly, you'll recognize their fine columnist Jim Anchower.

Robert's wearing a pull-up on his head with his webkinz sticking out of it.

Alexis visited and told Robert's preschool class what a pharmacist does.

Birthday cards for Robert, and an angel decoration Robert made at Christmas.

Happy Easter!

William got his first taste of Fruit-Rollups at the DC Kite Festival. He also got a huge kick out of pushing the stroller all by himself.

"I am dangerous on all sides." Robert has pointy sticks coming out of each jacket pocket, and one pointing forward out of his zipper. He calls this his "action coat." The walk back from the festival took a while since we had to stop every block or so to put back pieces that had fallen out of the action coat.

The lite brite was a birthday present from Grammy and Granddad. William loves oatmeal.

William and dad on the trampoline. The writing is what Robert did during the church service while visiting Grammy & Granddad. It's copied from the bulletin and says "WEBELIEVEINONEGOD"